Wellbeing at Gwauncelyn
The school has an inclusive and caring ethos that permeates its daily life. It provides a safe environment for all its pupils’ personal, social, spiritual and cultural skills well. Nearly all pupils are happy and safe in school. They know how to stay safe, including online and know whom to go to if they are upset or worried. ESTYN
Our Vision:
Our vision at Gwauncelyn Primary is to create an environment for all stakeholders, which acknowledges that, whilst we come at it from unique perspectives, good mental health and well-being is intrinsic to our lives.
Our learners will be given the opportunity to develop the skills, capabilities, and attributes to make positive life choices and make positive contributions to society.
Learning and progression will support the development of habits and behaviours that will allow our pupils to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
The Wellbeing Team
All teaching and non-teaching staff at Gwauncelyn have a responsibility and an important role in promoting and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our children and each other. The Wellbeing Team are made up of:
- Wellbeing Strategic Lead & CLA Designated Teacher - Mrs N Phillips
- AoLE lead Health and Wellbeing - Mrs H Morgan
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistants - Mrs S Reville & Mrs T Davies.
Please see below for Wellbeing packs created by RCT and Merthyr LEA to assist parents, professionals and young people the following;
- Concerns in relation to children’s behaviour at home
- Managing anxiety
- Supporting loss and bereavement.