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Gwauncelyn Primary School


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Weekly Round Up Sent 7th February 2025


Star of the week/Ser Yr Wythnos: Click here to see this weeks stars of the week!

Attendance: Click here to see this week's class attendance figures!

School Photos: Children will come home with Access Cards to enable you to order the photos. If you don't get one please contact the office for your child's access code.

Next Week:

Monday 10th February Class 5, 6 & 7 - St Fagans TripPlease ensure your child wears school uniform and appropriate footwear. If it is cold please ensure they have warm clothing. Children will need a packed lunch. School will provide a packed lunch to the families that have requested one.

Swimming Changes for next week ONLY: Due to the St Fagans Trip please note the below swimming changes: (Class 6,7 & 8 no change)

Monday PM - Year 5, Miss Morton's class (Turtles & Sealions)
Tuesday AM - Class 5, Mrs Phillips class (Turtles 1 & 2)
Wednesday PM - Class 5, Mrs Phillips class (Sealions)

Class 10 Assembly: Wednesday 12th February at 9:15am. Doors will open as soon after 9am as possible.

Valentines DiscoPTFA Valentines Disco will take place on Thursday 13th February. Please see attached poster for details!

Teacher/Parent Appointments: These appointments have been arranged for the week beginning 17th February. Booking links have been sent out. If you have not received one please check your emails again. If no email please contact the office.

Heol Deg Parking: As of next week there will no longer be parking cones controlling the parking on the road. Can we please ask that cars are parked sensibly and safely and that no car blocks the driveways of the residents in the street.

Have a lovely weekend and see you Monday!

Weekly Round Up - Sent 17th January 2025


Star of the week: Please click here to see this weeks Star of the week photos! Da Iawn Pawb!

Attendance: Our current attendance figure from September to today is 93.9% - Our target for the  year is 94% - keep up the good attendance children! To see this week's class figures please click here

Cold Weather/School Uniform: During the colder months, we want to remind parents to use their discretion when dressing children appropriately for the weather based on each child's individual needs. Especially the wearing of shorts during colder spells.  

Lost Property: This is a polite reminder to ensure all clothing (including coats, hats, scarfes) are clearly labelled with your child's name. We have a 'North Face' coat currently in lost property which only has an initial in the label. Efforts have been made to find the owner of the coat to no avail. On the flip side of this another child has lost their North face coat. It is possible that someone has mistakenly taken the wrong coat home. If you recognise the description of the coat and believe it be your child's please contact the office. Also, please check your child hasn't mistakenly brought the wrong coat home.

Next week:

Class 8 Assembly - Parents are invited to Class 8's assembly on Thursday 23rd January 2025. Assembly will start approx 9:30am. Doors will open approx 9:10am. Assembly will be in the main school hall.

Have a lovely weekend - see you Monday!

Weekly Roundup sent 06-12-2024


Stars of the week/Ser yr Wythnos

Follow our Instagram account to see this week's Stars of the week!


Click here to see this weeks attendance figures

Coming Up next week

Next week our Year 2 children will be visiting Salem Chapel for some festive activities. This will be on Tuesday afternoon and will take place during the afternoon.  Year 5 & 6 Christmas show is on Wednesday 11th with Year 3 & 4 rounding off the Christmas concerts on Friday 13th!. Doors open 9:10am and 1:10pm. Raffle tickets will be sold on the door, £1 a strip of tickets.

W/B 16th December 

No swimming the last week of term.

Attendance Cinema trip on Monday 16th December. An email, with further information, will be sent next week to the families of the children who have achieved over 98%+ throughout the Autumn Term

Christmas Dinner - Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Monday 16th December
Christmas Dinner - Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Tuesday 17th December
Christmas Party  - Wednesday 18th December - All children to bring their own plate of party food to enjoy after lunch. Children to wear party clothes/Christmas jumpers!

Last Day - Friday 20th December - Children can be picked up from school 2:30 onwards. School will remain open until 3:30 with Hollies after school club remaining open until 4:30!


Stay safe this weekend everyone - see you all Monday!

Weekly Round Up sent 25-10-24

Financial Support - Schools Essential Grant and eligibility for free school meals

Weekly Round Up sent 20th September

McMillan Coffee Morning

International Languages Day - 26th and 27th September

Email sent 13-9-2024

Email sent 12th September