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Gwauncelyn Primary School


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Language Ambassadors Council

"I think it's hugely important to be able to speak another language. It unlocks areas of the world you may have never seen yourself before and gives you the chance to meet and learn from people across the globe."

- Andrew Muir, Animator

The pupils elected onto the Languages Council are passionate about language learning. There were some excellent applications this year, we even had some in Spanish! The overall aim of the Council is to promote an awareness of languages and cultures and to foster a love of languages across the school.

So far this Autumn term, the pupils have helped organise the European Day of Languages which was hugely successful. They led an assembly in their class alongside the teacher to introduce the European Day of Languages. They have completed a survey around every class finding out what other languages pupils in Gwauncelyn speak at home. Did you know there are around 20 pupils who speak a different language at home?

We are very lucky to have a number of children who are bilingual or multilingual. It is important that we show respect for each other’s languages and cultures by celebrating and learning more about them. 

The Language Ambassadors have also just introduced 'Monitor del dia' to Years 4-6 where they lead a 'Helpwr Heddiw' style session with a song.  They will be meeting with the Criw Cymraeg to brainstorm ideas for games for our new Welsh - Spanish boards around the yard. We are looking forward to a busy year ahead promoting languages in Gwauncelyn.



Language Ambassadors 2024-2025


Our Targets for 2022-2023


1. Organise language events in school.

We will organise the European Day of Languages.

We will take the lead on any language focused events or activities.


2. Introduce and lead 'Language of the Month' to celebrate the languages spoken in our school community and around the world.

We will carry out a survey to find out what languages are spoken in our school community and share our findings with pupils.

We will introduce key phrases and facts about each language in assembly and promote the language of the month in class.


3. Introduce and lead 'Monitor del Dia' to all classes.

We will lead the Monitor del Dia sessions and give out rewards. We will model the sentence patterns in class.



Routes into Languages Cymru International Languages Superheroes

Languages Boards


We have invested in some Welsh and Spanish display boards for the outdoor playgrounds so that the children can practise languages outside the classroom too. In the Summer Term, the Criw Cymraeg will be working together with the Language Ambassadors to create some games and quizzes so that each class can use the boards during language learning sessions. This way, language learning can continue outside too!

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