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Gwauncelyn Primary School


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Gwauncelyn Primary School aims to provide equality of opportunity for all pupils with Additional Learning Needs. Pupils will have access to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. This principle will apply regardless of gender, race, language or additional need. The Curriculum for Wales is our starting point for planning that meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of pupils based around the 4 purposes (See Curriculum section for more information). When planning, teachers set suitable learning challenges and respond to pupils' diverse learning needs, providing scaffolding and support where needed. Some pupils have Additional Learning Needs (ALN) that are a significant barrier to learning, which require more specialised support and intervention from the school in order to allow pupils to learn and progress. 

Additional Learning Needs in Wales - what's happening?

To see this film in Welsh - go to

There are major changes to the way that Additional Learning Needs will be approached in schools from 2023. In readiness for this, schools are already making changes, e.g. in the way that meetings with parents and pupils are held to a more Person Centred Approach, with the child at the centre of the process. We at Gwauncelyn Primary School are implementing the new recommendations in line with county guidance. If this affects your child, you will be informed of the changes and how they affect them by your child’s class teacher and/or our school's Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo): Mrs Lianne Williams  

Definition of ALN 

A child has additional learning needs if he/she has a significant barrier to learning that requires a specialised intervention or additional learning provision (ALP) provided by the school or outside agencies. This provision will be significantly different to that which the school provides for other children. 

A child has a learning difficulty if he/she: 

  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age 

  • Has a disability which acts as a barrier to them being able to learn as they should 

  • Has a range of underlying factors such as, cognitive, physical or sensory difficulty, emotional and behavioural difficulty or difficulty with speech and language or social interaction which act as a barrier to learning 


At Gwauncelyn Primary School we aim to: 

  • Follow the current Code of Practice while transitioning to the new ALN act 

  • Follow guidelines laid down by RCT  

  • Ensure that early identification of a pupil's needs is made 

  • Ensure that all pupils reach their full potential 

  • Provide a Person Centred approach with the child at the centre, ensuring that parents/carers are fully involved in the process from the onset 

  • Work in partnership outside agencies to provide the best provision for the child e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapists, Educational Social Worker (ESW), School Nurse, Learning Support etc 

  • Provide the greatest possible access to a broad, balanced and relevant education 

  • Strive to secure the necessary provision for any pupil who has additional learning needs 

To find out more about these changes please watch the videos or visit the websites below.  If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Mrs Williams  

Draft Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales - Regional Consultation Events Video

A video shown at our recent regional consultation events on the 'Draft Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales' featuring the Minister for Education and the Minister for Health and Social Services.

Additional Learning Needs, a parent's guide

As a parent, you might be concerned about your child having Additional Learning Needs. If you want to find out more about how you and your child can get support, this is the video for you. Want to know more?

Do you understand what the teacher is asking?

Universal Learning Provision within the school