Welcome to Reception and Year 1 Class Page
Class Teachers
Class 1- Mrs Hyde
Class 2- Mrs Morgan (Tuesday- Friday) and Miss Williams (Monday)
Class 3- Miss Morton
Teaching Assistants
Miss Moore (Class 1), Mrs Newton(Class 2) and Miss Smith (Class 3)
Contact details/Manylion cyswllt:
Class 1:
Class 2:
Mrs Morgan-
Class 3:
Miss Morton-
Reception and Year 1 Meet and Greet Information
Useful Information/Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol
PE Days
Class 1- Tuesday and Friday
Class 2- Tuesday and Friday
Class 3- Tuesday and Friday
Children are to wear kit to school. No jewellery. Hair tied back.
Kit: Black shorts/joggers White t-shirt, plimsolls.
We will also need a pair of wellies that are to be kept in school for outdoor learning.
Oxford Owl and RWI
Here is a helpful guide to RWI and how you can support your child. Oxford owl is a very useful website that gives you access to free ebooks and advice on how to support learning at home.
Follow the link:
Here are the logins for each class;
Class 1 and 2 - Username: classjj2
Password: purple
Class 3 - Username: classlt3
Password: enfys