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Gwauncelyn Primary School


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Years 1 and 2

Croeso i ddosbarthiadau 2, 3 a 4

Welcome to Classes 2, 3 and 4


We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our Year 1 and Year 2 children and parents. We hope that you will find our class page helpful. The e-mail addresses below are to be used to contact the class teachers in case of emergencies only (issues that cannot wait until parents evening). Please direct any e-mails and queries regarding lost property, medical appointments, pick up arrangements etc to the school office using the e-mail address below.


Class Teachers

Class 2: Mrs Bishop


Class 3: Miss Rees 


Class 4: Mrs Beavan                


Teaching Assistants

Class 2: Miss S. Smith

Class 3: Mrs Bennett (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs T. Davies (Wednesday)

Class 4: Mrs Newton


Meet the Teacher Presentation

Hwb and Google Classroom Information for Parents

Key Information


Reading - Please can you ensure that your child brings his/her reading book to school on the day/s designated by the class teacher.  Please can you listen to your child read regularly at home. We encourage reading a wide range of texts, not just the school reading book.


Homework - Homework will be set and completed using Google Classroom. It will be set on a Friday and due in on the following Wednesday.


Daily Snacks/water bottles -  Must stay in line with our Healthy Schools Policy e.g. a piece of fruit. Please ensure your child's snack is clearly labelled with his/her name. No nuts or products that contain nuts please as we have children with severe allergies in school. Children may bring in a water bottle which they will have access to throughout the day and can fill up when necessary. We encourage the children to drink water only. Please ensure your child's name is clearly written on his/her bottle.


PE - Mondays and Wednesdays.

Please wear PE kit to school on these days - a white T-shirt with black shorts and trainers. Children can wear something warm like a tracksuit when the weather gets cold. Please tie long hair up.


Swimming - Wednesday (Year 3 children only)

Please wear PE kit to school on this day and bring swimming kit in a bag. Year 2 children will have swimming lessons in the Summer Term. 


Please note - no jewellery, including earrings, to be worn on PE or swimming days. Thank you.