Conflict - A Child's War in Wales
Conflict - A Child's War in Wales
As part of our topic we will be exploring personal, local and international conflict. We will be exploring conflict resolution and look at how conflict affects the wider world, e.g. Israel and Palestine.
History Focus
How did the Second World War affect Wales? Why were children evacuated from their homes? Explore these questions and more in this special project about the Second World War and its impact on the towns and valleys of Wales.
In this project, children will explore:
• what it was like to be an evacuee
• the impact of evacuation on children and their families
• the daily life of a child in wartime Wales
• the effects and devastation of the Swansea Blitz
• why some parts of Wales were more vulnerable to bombing than others.
We will be visiting Swansea War Museum on Wednesday 27th March.